Inspiring the Next Generation Through Mentorship and Faith

Empowering men to lead, teach, and serve as role models within our communities.

About Us

Spirit Filled Men Teach is an initiative, dedicated to empowering young Black men by placing strong, inspiring Black male role models in faith-based education. Our mission is to close the gap in mentorship and representation within Sunday Schools and small groups, helping young men develop not only academically, but also in character, purpose, and faith. Research shows that having mentors who look like them leads to better school performance, lower suspension rates, and reduced involvement in risky behaviors. Through Real Men Teach, we’re creating a movement of men committed to guiding the next generation toward positive, successful futures!
Real Men
Real Impact
Real Change

Our Core T's


Cultivating critical and expansive thought within youth.


Building practical skills and career readiness.


Sharing life stories to inspire.


Grounding in faith and honesty.


Encouraging personal and spiritual growth.

Get Involved

The Spirit Filled Men Teach initiative offers multiple ways to get involved, whether through mentorship, volunteering, masterclasses, or supporting our initiatives. Together, we can bridge the gap in representation and build a brighter future for the next generation.

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